
RFQ# 683 : RFQ Consulting Services for Strategic Planning

Updated: 08/26/2024 - 10:18am
Status: Current
Addendum: 0
Project Summary:
The selected consultant(s) will be required to produce written, graphic, and digital documentation of an
updated strategic vision document to accommodate Ventura County Community College District and its
colleges. The consultant(s) will assist the District in the planning process through adoption of the
document by the District’s Board of Trustees.
The Consultant(s) will work with Ventura County Community College District’s leadership and other
District or College constituencies and committees to develop a strategic vision document through
participation in open forums, committee meetings and public review.
The final product will include a strategic document that will outline Ventura County Community College
District’s and its colleges strategic vision.
The strategic document is to clarify the vision, mission and values of the District and assess the external
and internal environments of the District and provide recommendations for instructional and support
programs that will help the District align itself with a changing environment. The objective is to identify
both current and potential future programs of instruction and support services, inform the District’s
resource allocation, and ensure that planning and budget development are fully integrated. In addition,
explore opportunities to improve or develop a District Administrative Center program review process and
fundraising strategies. The District wide participatory governance process will be important factors in the
development of the strategic vision. Assess the external and internal environments of the District and its colleges, in developing the strategic
vision document, and providing recommendations for instructional and support programs that will help
the District and its colleges align with a changing environment. Identify both current and potential future
programs of instruction and support services (including expansion of existing programs), inform the
District’s resource allocation, and ensure that planning and budget development are fully integrated in the
District. Propose a District Administrative Center program review process and fundraising strategies. The
Districtwide participatory governance process will be an important factor in the development.
Purchasing Specialist
Name: Ilene Mehrez
Phone #: 805-652-5558
Email Address:
Date: Wed, 08/28/2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: District Administrative Center
Mandatory Job Walk